Help, advice and tips to keep your pet looking great, feeling great and behaving well.
Caring for your dog while in season
Caring for your dog while in season If you own a female dog (bitch) then…
Help your pet find a cosy spot with our calming bed range
Help your pet find a cosy spot with our calming bed range What makes our…
Clicker Training
Clicker Training Clicker Training: What is it and how do you do it? Clicker training…
New Puppy!
New Puppy! Bringing home your new puppy is an exciting time, but can also be…
My Dog bites
My Dog bites Do you have a puppy or adult dog? My dog is a…
Walking your dog, is a walk in the park – right?
Walking your dog, is a walk in the park – right? Maybe the dream you…
My pet’s moulting is driving me crazy!
My pet’s moulting is driving me crazy! Shedding is a natural process for our pets…
Fleas & Ticks
Fleas & Ticks Help me with Fleas Help me with Ticks Fleas: how to spot…
How to tackle Matts, Knots and Tangle
How to tackle Matts, Knots and Tangles Matted fur is stressful for your pet –…